Z wielkim żalem zawiadamiamy, że w dniu 8 marca 2018 roku, w wieku 75 lat zmarła
Pani Prof. dr hab. Ewa Kurek
emerytowana Profesor
Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie,
wieloletni kierownik Zakładu Mikrobiologii Środowiskowej.
Z wielkim żalem zawiadamiamy, że w dniu 8 marca 2018 roku, w wieku 75 lat zmarła
Pani Prof. dr hab. Ewa Kurek
emerytowana Profesor
Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie,
wieloletni kierownik Zakładu Mikrobiologii Środowiskowej.
47th world congress on Microbiology, September 10-11, 2018, London, UK
The theme of congress is “New approaches to enhance the research in Microbiology”.
Microbiology 2018 aims to accelerate scientific discoveries and major milestones in the current situation,
challenges and innovations relating to Microbiology and also its relevant areas.
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This specialised meeting will give an overview of protein traffic and secretion in bacteria. Bacterial cells dedicate a significant number of components to ensure targeting of proteins to the plasma membrane. These proteins are then integrated in the lipid bilayer or are released to the other side. Most proteins use the ubiquitous and essential Sec system for these processes, but other evolutionarily unrelated protein machines have also been developed that allow exported proteins to cross the plasma membrane and cell envelope. This arsenal of mechanisms ensures that more than 30% of the bacterial proteome ends up in extra-cytoplasmic locations. Protein export is essential for viability, pathogenicity, symbiosis and biofilm formation. vaccines, to produce heterologous biopharmaceuticals and industrial enzymes, and to transform them into cancer cell killing devices. Finally, trafficking components constitute formidable targets for antibiotic discovery.
Topics to be discussed in the symposium include the following (for more information see the program):
17th Asia-Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection cum 8th International Infection Control Conference,
30 August to 2 September 2018, at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
There will be over 30 world-renowned overseas speakers sharing with us their expertise in various hot topics in the much enriched Scientific Programme.
Zapraszamy do udziału w seminarium naukowym z cyklu spotkań Wspieranie Zdrowia „Grzyby przyszłością medycyny?” które odbędzie się w dniach 15-16 lutego 2018 w Białymstoku/Hajnówce.
Szczegóły dotyczące wydarzenia w Zaproszeniu