1st Polish Yeast Conference, Rzeszow. June 17-19, 2020 (Wednesday – Friday)

Dear Colleagues and Friends, 
Several Polish yeast researchers put forward idea to start annual yeast conferences which would help to gather together representatives of different Polish yeast groups from different Institutes and Universities working on various yeast organisms, including pathogenic and probiotic yeasts, and distinct fields, like yeast cell biology, molecular genetics, genomics and biotechnology. The planned action should help to establish new contacts, exchange experiences and initiate collaboration. The organizers of the sessions also could invite foreign colleagues which collaborate with Polish scientists to add international character to this national meeting. 

Conference will bring also together experienced and young scientists. It will include several Plenary Lectures given by leading scientists from around the world, session talks of different duration as well as poster presentations. The contest for the Best Poster presentation will be organized and the winner will be awarded with diplomas and prizes. The overall size of the conference is estimated as 100-130 participants. The official language of the conference is English. 

I hope that participants will be satisfied by both, scientific and social/cultural program of the conference. 

On behalf of the Organizers,

Andriy Sibirny, PhD, Professor 
Chair of the Organizing Committee

Registration Form
Abstracts and Registration !!! Abstract submission: January 1, 2020 – April 30, 2020 !!!

More information about the 1st Polish Yeast Conference, Rzeszow are available at http://www.pyc2020.ur.edu.pl/index.php

Wydawnictwa PTM

O Towarzystwie

Polskie Towarzystwo Mikrobiologów Celem Polskiego Towarzystwa Mikrobiologów jest propagowanie rozwoju nauk mikrobiologicznych i popularyzowanie osiągnięć mikrobiologii wśród członków Towarzystwa oraz szerokich kręgów społeczeństwa. Formami działalności jest organizowanie zjazdów, posiedzeń naukowych, kursów, wykładów i odczytów oraz konkursów prac naukowych; wydawanie i popieranie wydawania czasopism naukowych, książek i innych publikacji z dziedziny mikrobiologii; opiniowanie o stanie i potrzebach mikrobiologii polskiej i występowanie w jej sprawach wobec władz państwowych; współpraca z pokrewnymi stowarzyszeniami w kraju i zagranicą.
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Członek Srebrny od 12.09.2017 r.

Członek Srebrny od 12.09.2017 r.